Standby Generators & Transfer Switches

Generator sizing: Generac Home Backup Generator Sizing Calculator

Champion Home Standby Generator Selector

Appliance kilowatt (kW) usage: Watt Usage for Common Appliances

Appliance (NG) or (LPG) usage: NG and LPG Usage for Common Appliances 

Interested in having a standby generator installed at your location? If yes, please fill out our generator assessment form. 


Standby generators are purchased for multiple reasons: 

A well-installed and properly maintained standby generator can last 20 to 30 years. This lifespan can vary depending on several factors:

We recommend shopping around to get the best value for your $$. The overall value of your generator purchase will depend on the generator installation by factory trained personnel and the service after the sale. An experienced electrician might be able to wire-up the generator and Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS), but it is highly unlikely for that electrician to set all the parameters of the controller correctly and to troubleshoot the generator system if something goes wrong. Dealerships and factory trained service personnel have all the needed tools, documentation, and can expedite parts, if needed. For many reasons, some dealerships will not provide service for generators they do not install.

We're here to help. Life is better with power.
